Sunday, October 17, 2010

Inspired .

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."

- Barack Obama

To me , time feels like it has been rushing down a river. To me , this river will carry me into a place of acceptance , a place of boundless freedom. My mind has been boggling with ideas and thoughts to change this world we all live in . Yes , that is a extremely broad idea and task , but seeing my generation on the verges of creating a better world has even inspired me more. Changing the world is no easy task , let alone a small one. I honestly do dream of making an impact in this world. Inspirations like Craig Kielburger have really opened my eyes and lead me into truly wanting to help society grow and help open the eyes of others. There are so many people in the world that need help , yet so many turn a blind eye to those because they believe that they cannot make a difference. But they are wrong! As society is growing , there are still so many people who have not gained perspective of others and seizing the world around us. I simply believe that the youth of the world can make a positive difference in this world that we live in .

Maybe the change won't make everyone happy , maybe other generations will go against the change , but for now , I truly believe that this world is in desperate need of help . This world has gone through so much and it's still in a state of crisis. Economical stats are falling and rising inconsistently , global warming is depriving animals from their natural home , humans are wasting more and more precious resources and political government dealings have caused scandals and conflict. If there is so much negativity , where is the positivity? If the youth don't bother to save our world , society will crumble into a smear of dust.

We all live in such a world filled with inevitable choices , inevitable situations and inevitable facts. But as curious and wondrous souls standing on this earth , we must do the best we can to help make things better. This beautiful world we live in has so many extraordinary sights - the green tropical forests of central America , the vast burning deserts of the middle east , the glorious plains of Africa , the frosty bellowed mountains of the Arctic ; all of these wonders have shaped humans. History itself is buried into the deep roots of the land we stand on .

I do not want this world to die before I do.
From this day on , I will make a change.
I will make an impact.
I am youth . We are youth . Together we stand strong .
